Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quickie one

Hey guys!

I just wanted to tell you that I've became the queen of both touch rugby and hot yoga and that Berkeley is a reallyyyyyyyyy cool place.

Actually, I feel like I could also show you a few photos taken in the past few days.

For further questions, comment on this amazing blog or call +1(510)501-6810. Hehehe

Friday, August 24, 2012

Chopra, Filippou, Moehle

Yup, that's right.  Classes have already started and I have three superstars as my teachers this semester.

It was kind of hard to decide which classes I was going to take.  On one hand, I wanted to have a good schedule and at least one easy class so that I could have some free time.  On the other, I knew that being in Berkeley is a great opportunity and that I should take the most from it, learning as much as possible.  I ended up choosing three difficult but interesting classes, taught by great professors.

I still need to figure out who is going to be my thesis supervisor here in Berkeley.  After that, I'll be super set to work like crazy.

I'm sorry I didn't post anything in the last few days.  I've been very busy organizing my life here.  Now, I already have a bank account, an american cell phone number and a student account, I've already paid my fees and bought my books, tried different kind of yoga studios, explored the campus and made many, many friends.

When I applied to Berkeley, I was told that people work a lot here.  I never really believed it.  The truth is that today, on my second day of classes, I spent the whole afternoon studying and I still have lot of work to do this weekend.  My question is: how accurate is the following picture?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can't complain

One hour later than my arrival in San Francisco, while I was at Target buying everything I needed for my dorm room, I had an amazing surprise.  Pedro drove all the way from LA to SF to spend the weekend with me.  That helped me not feeling so much homesick.  I guess the true adventure starts tomorrow, after he leaves...

Thanks PedrĂ£o!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Meet my new house

Take a look at my regular single room at International House.

This is how it looked like as soon as I arrived.

This is how it started looking like after the first stage of the decoration process. Any suggestions?

Believe it or not, the following pictures were taken inside the I-House. In sunny days like today, it's even possible to see the Golden Gate Bridge.

New posts coming soon...

Meet my family

Meet my family. Meet the people I didn’t want to leave in Portugal, although they will always be there waiting for me.

I started planning to write a personal blog as soon as I was informed of my acceptance for an exchange year at UC Berkeley.  However, I was never sure about how to put it up.  I wanted to do something that could illustrate my life throughout this brand new adventure in my life.  It could have been a pictures blog or it could have been a group on Facebook.  It could have been many other things but it couldn’t have started in any different way.  Introducing you to my family, I’m introducing you to who I am.

These pictures where taken on August 15th, my last day in Portugal before my departure to Berkeley. A picture is worth a thousand words.