Friday, August 24, 2012

Chopra, Filippou, Moehle

Yup, that's right.  Classes have already started and I have three superstars as my teachers this semester.

It was kind of hard to decide which classes I was going to take.  On one hand, I wanted to have a good schedule and at least one easy class so that I could have some free time.  On the other, I knew that being in Berkeley is a great opportunity and that I should take the most from it, learning as much as possible.  I ended up choosing three difficult but interesting classes, taught by great professors.

I still need to figure out who is going to be my thesis supervisor here in Berkeley.  After that, I'll be super set to work like crazy.

I'm sorry I didn't post anything in the last few days.  I've been very busy organizing my life here.  Now, I already have a bank account, an american cell phone number and a student account, I've already paid my fees and bought my books, tried different kind of yoga studios, explored the campus and made many, many friends.

When I applied to Berkeley, I was told that people work a lot here.  I never really believed it.  The truth is that today, on my second day of classes, I spent the whole afternoon studying and I still have lot of work to do this weekend.  My question is: how accurate is the following picture?

1 comment:

  1. I guess the challenge for you Martinha is to render the statement in the picture wrong. At least at times. If not, to make the best of it.
