Friday, August 17, 2012

Meet my family

Meet my family. Meet the people I didn’t want to leave in Portugal, although they will always be there waiting for me.

I started planning to write a personal blog as soon as I was informed of my acceptance for an exchange year at UC Berkeley.  However, I was never sure about how to put it up.  I wanted to do something that could illustrate my life throughout this brand new adventure in my life.  It could have been a pictures blog or it could have been a group on Facebook.  It could have been many other things but it couldn’t have started in any different way.  Introducing you to my family, I’m introducing you to who I am.

These pictures where taken on August 15th, my last day in Portugal before my departure to Berkeley. A picture is worth a thousand words.


  1. What a wonderful blogger and what a promising year. We are all very proud of Martinha having achieved this long awaited goal.
    The family is with you, Martinha!

  2. Olá Neta querida
    Depois de três ou quatro tentativas falhadas, aqui estou de novo, hoje sob a orientação do Pai, a enviar-te o nosso primeiro contacto, felicíssimos por ter saber satisfeita, integrada e a viver com muito entusiasmo a noiva vida que abraçaste.
    Queiram os deuses que tudo se encaminhe como esperas e tem lá paciência com o muito trabalho que sabemos tens de enfrentar.
    Beijinhos muito saudosos dos avós neste dia de anos da avó o nos nossos 57 de casados.
