Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Half way through

Exactly four months after arriving at Berkeley, it was time to pack and go back home for Winter break.  These were the best months of my life so far, in every sense.  I've never learnt so much, grown up so much, worked so much and met so many interesting/intelligent/different people in any other experience.

Till Friday, the day of my last final exam, I didn't properly realize I was going home soon.  I was actually living a mixture of emotions by then.  I couldn't believe I was seeing my family, special Mom and Dad, and my friends in a few hours.  On the other hand, I couldn't believe I wouldn't see very close friends from my experience in Berkeley in a near future either.

I started to write this post on Friday evening.  However, suddenly, some of my friends from iHouse invaded my room to start partying.  We spent a few hours in ihouse enjoying each others' company, playing drinking games, making fun of each other and exchanging a few goodbye gifts.  We went to the bars for a while, where some of my friends probably danced hip-hop in a club for the last time in their lives, and went back to ihouse to continue the goodbyes.  We basically stood up all night long, laying on the couches, singing, hugging everyone and taking pictures together.  At 3:30 am, a shuttle arrived to take me to the airport.  Bye Mario, bye Ron, bye Guido, buy Safa, by Huw, by Mike, by Emre, bye, bye, bye.  See you soon Luisa (we still have a dinner together on January, 4th...).

My way back home was very long but perfectly feasible.  I slept in each of the three flights I caught.  And, as soon as I arrived in Portugal, I had Mom, Dad, Pedro, Ricardo, Tio Miguel and Mada waiting for me at the airport, and a surprise lunch with all my family and four of my best friends in Azeitão.  Thanks Mom and Dad.  It feels good to be back home.  Berkeley, see you soon!

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