Sunday, January 13, 2013

Irreplaceable Lu

Yesterday, on my way to meet Luisa for a last goodbye before she went back home, I realized I've never properly described her on my blog.  I've mentioned her before (how could I have not if she was  one of my best friends here?!), but not enough.

Lu is the nicest / cutest / sweetest / greatest Brazilian girl I've ever met.  Actually, I could also take the "Brazilian" away and just say that she is the nicest / cutest / sweetest / greatest girl I've ever met.  She's probably the person I identified myself the most with here in iHouse.

We're both 22 years old, we're both hard workers, we're both responsible, we're both very close to our family, we're both Portuguese speakers*, we're both taken, we both love Brazilian food and we're both pretty good looking comparing to many other girls in iHouse.  Hahaha.

I still remember how we met.  I was having breakfast with Pedro in the dining hall and she came sit with us because she thought we looked Brazilian.  We ended up realizing we already had a friend in common although we were from such distant cultures: a Brazilian girl who lived in Lisbon for a year, Naná.  Pedro and I liked her right away.  From then on, we got closer and closer.  Lu, Yas and me, along with the guys, formed a great group.

There are plenty of other things I can tell about Luisa.  She's an architecture student, who decided to take interesting optional classes here in Berkeley, not necessarily related to her degree.  She's "carioca" and thus always very cool and smiley.  She's very organized and gets slightly anxious anytime things are not perfectly planned.  We kind of used to make fun of her whenever she got a little bit nervous and she would simply laugh about it.  I don't know how she does it but she's laughing all the time.  She's very easy to deal with.

I could keep saying good things about Luisa forever but I guess you guys already understood how I like her.  Saying goodbye to her was not too tough because I'm sure we're going to meet many times in the future.

See you soon Luzinha! <3

Oh, I forgot to mention her amazing musical skill!!!! Check it out.  Hahaha

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