Saturday, January 26, 2013

Battery Recharger

After two intense weeks of nonstop research, I definitely needed a break.  The fact that Pedro decided to come up to visit me, plus the fact that I didn't want to start the semester already tired, seemed like perfect excuses to take three days off.  And so did I!

My friends in ihouse didn't really believe I would literally take the entire three-day weekend off but I did it without feeling even a bit guilty.  In those three days, I went three times do the gym, I played tennis and soccer with some friends and watched Pedro practicing golf.  Pedro and I went out for dinner a couple of times too, on Friday to a nice Japanese restaurant and on Saturday to Villas-Boas' house.  We spent some quality time with our friends too (Pedro says he probably has more friends here than in LA), going to bars, taking them to the driving range or simply chilling in ihouse.  Most of them are finally back in town!

The best part of the weekend was our one-day journey to Napa Valley.  We went by ourselves, on a romantic trip, although Ludo moaned that we should have taken him too...  There, we took some of the lovely pictures posted below, we did a wine tour, some wine tasting and had lunch is a very cosy food market in Downtown Napa.  Before coming back to campus, we decided to watch the sunset from the Grizzly Peak, as our friend Kezia had suggested many months ago.

I might have recharged my batteries too much.  I had lots of work to do for my research but classes are just starting, and we didn't really have much to do this week.  It doesn't feel like Berkeley yet, if you know what I mean.

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