Saturday, February 2, 2013

Nico's birthday. Ludo's "goodbye"

Yesterday, February 1st, was Nico's 21st birthday.  Turning 21 is a big deal in the US, mainly because it's the legal age to drink and get in any restaurant, bar or club with no problems, so we decided to organize him a remarkable birthday.  Props to Ludo and Rob, the big organizers of the big day!

The party actually started on Thursday evening, with a crazy (I mean literally CRAZY) Berkeley Ski Club Meeting, a frat party and sometime at the bars.  I tried to convince the guys not to get to drunk, but without any success.  Have I told you that one of my nicknames here is "Mamma Marta"?  Oh yeah, I'm responsible in any party of the world...

The reason why I tried to convince them not to get drunk was the fact that some of them were going to sky dive on Friday.  How come?  Ludo had the great idea of suggesting that all of Nico's friends from ihouse chipped in $10 so that we could pay for his skydive.  Nico has so many friends that not only could we pay for his skydive, but we also managed to buy some drinks and surprise him again at night.

The day started in the dining hall, where most of us had breakfast together.  Around 9 am, we blindfolded him, made him drink a beer, and those who were skydiving drove him there (Rob, Ludo, Nathalie, Nour, Ajay, Claudia, Capucine and Lara).  He had no idea where we was going and which kind of surprise we had prepared for him almost till he got to the hanger.

The festivities continued in the evening.  First, we had dinner together in the dining hall, after he came back from a quick tennis match.  Then we moved on to the gamble room, where we surprised him with 120 beers, a mini cake and some snacks.  After that, we moved to the Great Hall, where a fancy Council Reception was taking place and where, for the first time in the recent history of ihouse, alcoholic drinks were allowed.  From there, we moved to our beloved Pappy's, where International House Neon Party took place.

All I have to say is that it was a fun night and that we love Nico.

Actually, I have something else to say.  Have you noticed how I make fun of Ludo anytime I have an opportunity to?  That's just because that's what he does to everyone else, in a specific way that makes him a very, very, very funny guy.  I remember that he got slightly uncomfortable with the fact that, in that post I wrote about him, Nico and Mario, I said marvelous things about the other two and just made fun of him.  I would even say that he got kind of worried about what you, my friends and family back home, would think of him.  Well, I want it to be very clear that Ludo's awesome.  He's so awesome he got a job offer from JP Morgan to work in SF starting after he graduates.

He was planing to move to the city in June, to live with two good friends.  However, last week, in their first attempt to start looking for apartments, they found the perfect place and decided to sign the contract.  Consequence:  Ludo moved out of ihouse today.  I didn't want him to leave without me making it public that he is one of my favorite people among everyone I met since I came to Berkeley.

The good thing about this is that now I have a place to stay in the city too...

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