Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time flies

I'm less than two weeks away from finishing classes, exactly three weeks away from finishing all the final projects and exams, and less than two months away from going back home.  This has made me think a lot about my amazing experience here and also about some routines I am going to miss when I leave Berkeley.

Mainly, I am going to miss living in ihouse.  I am gonna miss the Wednesday 9 pm to 10 pm coffee hours, the meals in the dining hall surrounded by friends, the 12 pm happy-birthday cakes every time it is someone's birthday, the cultural experience and the people.

I am also going to miss my class.  We rarely do stuff together outside Davis Hall but the truth is that we spend so many hours a day together that we became incredibly close.  We know how to make fun and which reactions to expect from each other, so we end up having fun while working.

Another thing I am going to miss is the weekly Thursday lunch out with my classmates.  No matter what, on Thursdays after our CE227 class, we leave Davis Hall to have lunch somewhere in Berkeley.  If we don't have much free time, we eat something on Euclid Ave, right by Davis Hall;  if we do, we go and explore different places.

I am going to miss the college life in general, including the huge amount of people quickly walking in every direction on campus, the people laying under the sun in the afternoon, the frisbee dudes, the campaigns, performances and advertisements all over Sproul Plaza, the rollerbladers, the skaters and the runners annoying normal pedestrians, the backpacks in everyone's back, the coffee cups in everyone's hands, the caps in every guys' heads, all the athletes walking in and out Memorial Stadium, and so on.

I am going to miss my 7-day workout routine, mainly our Insanity workout sessions under the sun.

I am going to miss writing an e-mail to my family every night and a post on this blog every once in a while.  Even if I am going to be back home, I might miss the morning Skype session with my mom, while I am getting ready for the day.  I am definitely going to miss the constant chat in our family Whatsapp group.

I am going to miss getting a good surprise letter or present in the mailbox every once in a while.

I am going to miss cottage cheese.

I am going to miss much more.

From now till June 17th, all I have to do is enjoy the entire list of things I just said I am going to miss, and also stuff that I might not miss but that makes me grow by being very culturally different to what I am used to.

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