Monday, June 17, 2013

LA one last time

My last days in California were different from the previous ones.  They didn't involve much research work or much workout, and, although they were spent in LA, they didn't include much dating either.  In no more than one week, Pedro had to do two final exams to finish his Econ degree, to celebrate his birthday and graduation, to show his family around, to sell his car and furniture, to pack four years of his life, and to say goodbye to all the great friends he made throughout his Californian experience.

I didn't get as much attention as I usually do in LA and I slept on the floor for four nights instead of sharing a kind size bed with him, but he was so, so happy that I was really happy for him too.  Congrats on graduating from a great school while doing so well in your athletic career.  And many congrats on making so many real friends and leaving so many fans in California.  It made me and his family very proud to see, once again, how everyone loves and respects him.

After four years of trips to LA, that city became one of my favorite places to visit.  Despite all the criticism that revolves around LA - such as its traffic, broadness and fake people -, to me, there's nowhere else where you can have such good time going out to eat, hike, drink, sunbathe and be entertained.  Also, that's where Pedro and I made so many good friends, that we hope to see in Portugal sometime in the near future.

Beijinhos to Malin, Pontus, Kezia, Bobby, Alex, Matt, Jonathan, Manav, Preston, Anton, Gemma, Tom, the guys and girls in the golf team that I didn't mention, Leonor and Zé.  Most of these guys call me Gorda and send me beijinhos when they say goodbye to me.

See you LA.  Either in 2, 5, 10 or 20 years, I know I will be back to visit.

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