Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Saying goodbye

Today was my last walk to campus.  Today was my last early morning in the office to use Ahmet's computer before he arrives.  Today was my last lunch on Euclid Ave.  Today was my last day at Davis Hall.  Today I closed my American bank account.  Today was my last workout class taught by Delency.  (He even gave me a goodbye hug.  How much of a frequent user of the gym do you think I was?)  Today was the last time I went to RSF to workout too.  Today was my last walk from the gym to home.  (Actually Ahmed gave me a ride on the second half of the way, but you get what I mean.)  Today was my last dinner with the Villas-Boas.  Today I said goodbye to great friends as Ludo and Rob.  Today I packed and gave away some stuff I don't want to take home.  It's been such a confusing/busy day that, from lunch time on, I didn't even have much work done.

I'm leaving to LA tomorrow for Pedro's birthday and graduation and then to Portugal on Monday.  I have exciting times ahead but, still, it feels weird to realize that my year abroad is actually coming to an end.  It's been the best year of my life so far.  Hopefully even better years will come ahead.  Pedro, and then Mom, Dad, Mico, family and friends, here I come!

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