Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coming up soon

As I told you in the previous post, my birthday is coming up soon and I spent some time organizing the festivities today.  I am planning to have a potluck dinner only with my best friends in i-House and a Cocktail Contest Night with everyone else after that.  I created two separate events on Facebook, which descriptions are shown below.

Potluck Dinner:
Hello my darlings! As I'm sure you all know :), my birthday is coming up. I'm going to turn 22 on November 17th and I would like festivities to start the night before. I'm inviting only my closest friends in i-House to a small dinner. I rented the kitchen for that afternoon and evening, so that we get the chance to cook. My idea was to organize a potluck dinner. Everyone would bring something. People who don't want to cook better buy some good food! Haha. Just let me know what you're planning to bring so that we don't have the same dish twice. It doesn't have to be proper dishes, we could have some kind of tapas night.
I will create another event on Facebook for the after party, where anyone can come. Cocktails night!

Cocktail Contest Night:
Hey everyone! My birthday is coming up soon and I would like you all to celebrate it with me. I was planning to organize a cocktail contest night in the Gamble Room on November 16th. Everyone should organize themselves in groups of 5 to 6 people and choose a cocktail to prepare.
I'll provide some basic cocktail ingredients: sugar, lemon, olives, mint and fruit decoration. Each group brings their own alcohol. I'm going to go to the supermarket anyway so just let me know if you want me to buy you anything.
I hope you can all make it!

I guess someone's having fun next weekend!!!  Come join me if you can.

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