Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oakland Art Murmur

Every first Friday of every month, the Art Murmur takes place in Oakland's Telegraph Ave, where 21 member galleries and 9 venues are open to artists to expose their work.  There are mainly expositions, but also street performances, food and craft vending, receptions, artist talks, and musical performances.  It's basically a cool eight-block street festival and a great reason to leave campus on a Friday night.

As soon as one gets closer to the festival, it's impossible not to feel engaged.  There is a big retro car exposition in the streets, where families proudly show off their impeccably preserved "babies".  There are groups of Oakland black people, chilling around their big American cars, listening to loud rap and hip hop music.  There are groups of hipsters and cool young people walking towards the festival.  And there is much more.

Everyone is eating, some people are actually interested in the art expositions, and the walking rhythm is  pretty slow, since no one wants to lose any important part of what's going on.  The smell in the air is interesting.  I would describe it as a mixture of mexican food and weed.

I didn't take many pictures because I was busy having fun with my friends.  However, I guess you can get a taste of what Art Murmur is by seeing the pictures shown below.

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