Saturday, September 29, 2012


"Hey guys!

Everything I’m about to say, would be much appreciated if you kept it on the DL (that’s downlow).
Basically I’m planning on setting up a sister branch to a society at my home university called UBRUB: Urban Beverage Racing University of Bristol.
How is works back there is you have set teams, typically 2 boys and 2 girls and you are all tied together.
Then you essentially complete a pub crawl, where you down a drink and run to the next bar. Maximum 8 drinks, and include anything from a jagerbomb to a strawpedo… It sounds messy but it’s incredibly fun and the winner gets a patch, to show how cool they are.
Have a similar idea for I-House but instead of bars we use the rooms and different floors for the race. People who don’t want to race can help monitor that the drinks are finished ONLY in the rooms.

Thanks, Courtney xoxoxoxoxo"

And because getting to know other cultures also involves getting to know how they party, today I decided to experience the UBRIH: Urban Beverage Racing International House.  Courtney, the girl who wrote and published the above message, is a british very cool chick that is my neighbor.  She ordered some official t-shirts, picked 8 different stations all over i-House, bought lots of drinks, invited people and the result was... a crazy Friday evening.  As you would all expect, I was part of the monitoring crew, not a real participant.  I was responsible for the 8th floor drinking station and for taking as many pictures as possible.

Attached to this post, there are several photos of what happened tonight here in the dorms.  Enjoy!


  1. ahahah I was reading and wishing you wouldn't join the monitoring crew!!

  2. Hehehe. As if you didn't know me Ed...
