Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekending in Berkeley

After a few weeks here, I feel ready to describe a random weekend here in Berkeley.

Most people are not very busy on Fridays so that's when the weekend begins.  Friday's late afternoons wouldn't be Friday's late afternoons if we wouldn't play some kind of group sport, particularly touch rugby.  Likewise,  Friday's nights wouldn't be Friday's nights if we didn't party hard.  Parties usually start in i-House's 4th floor (aka party floor) and move on either to the i-House's games room, a fraternity party or a bar.  The good thing about doing an exchange year in the US is that you can party and still study in the following day because nightlife finishes around 2 am.  It is not legal do sell alcoholic drinks after 2 am here.  All bars and nightclubs close by then...

On Saturdays, most people have to study and just a few of us dare to go traveling.  If traveling is the choice, San Francisco and Santa Cruz have been the most popular destinations so far.  If there's no way of escaping from a big study session, there are plenty of places to go: tons of library's (including i-House's one), loads of very nice caffes, each other's dorms, etc.  Everyone is very busy with school here and it feels good not to be the only one who has to study hard.

On Saturdays' evenings, everyone is so tired from the previous night and the study session that we end up just watching a movie or playing some board games all together.  As you can see, it's nice to live here.

Another (important) feature of weekends in Berkeley is the gastronomic experience.  I-House offers only two meals per day during the weekends: a huge brunch and dinner.  What most people do is having a nice meal in another place too.  This week's personal gastronomic experience was Dim Sum: a Chinese brunch.  I saved a swipe for a meal here in i-House and went to a Asian Restaurant for brunch today with my classmates.  I really liked it!  Somewhere in the bottom of this post, there's a picture of some of the dishes we ate.

Weekends wouldn't be weekends if I didn't post something on my blog, right?  Take a look at some pictures taken in the past three days.  Talk to you soon!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool friends, busy days and weekend blog post looking much better than chinese for breakfast! :S ahah
