Saturday, October 6, 2012

10/05 - day off

Isn’t October 5th a national holiday in Portugal?  Yes, it is.  Am I not Portuguese?  Yes, I am.  Had I not been studying like crazy in the past few weeks?  Yes, I had.  I guess it’s not a big deal that I took the day off on Friday, then.

Yesterday was Luisa’s birthday and that sounded like a good excuse to relax for a while.  Luisa is a really nice Brazilian friend of mine.  I met her as soon as I got to Cal.  She came talk to me in one of the first days because, like most people here, she thought I looked Brazilian, not Portuguese.  Since then, we’ve been hanging out a lot.  Along with Yasmina, she’s one of the girls I like the most here in Berkeley.  I promise to write a post describing some of my new  friends soon.  Now I wanna talk about the wonderful relaxing day I had yesterday.

As every morning here in Berkeley, I woke up early, had a nice breakfast in the dining hall with my friends from i-House and went to classes.  Classes meaning one class.  That’s all the academic responsibilities I have on Fridays.  After that, I did some shopping with the excuse of buying a birthday present to Lu and then the celebrations started.  We had lunch in a nice American bar on campus, called Free House, we went to the supermarket driving a convertible Mustang to get stuff for her party and we explored one of the nicest streets in Berkeley: College Av.  There, we tried the most famous icecream on Campus, from Icy!  Putting it to words, we went to Berkeley’s Santini.  That was so, so, so good…  Mmmmmmmm. After that, we had a girly gym session (yeah, I’ve been going to the gym every single day) and then dressed up to party, party, party!

Luisa’s birthday was on the fourth floor (the party floor) hallway here in Berkeley.  There were two or three rooms opened to everyone, there was music, food and drinks.  That’s how people party here in the dorms.  There was another birthday person, Carlos, and I decided to go to his party too.  Do you wanna know what it consisted of?  Are you ready to read about a very American birthday celebration?  We rented a hammer limousine and went to a nightclub in San Francisco in it.  It’s basically a two-way taxi that can take 20 people instead of 5 and where one can drink, dance and listen to very load music.  Yeah, I know it’s a very corny thing to do but it was actually lots of fun.  And the nightclub was really good too.  If the nightclub didn’t open before 10 pm and close at 2 am, it could perfectly be an European one.

Of course that today I spent the whole day studying.  That’s ok.  Yesterday’s day off made me recharge my batteries anyway. 

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