Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friendz - Amigos

Ready for another friends report?  Today I'm going to introduce you to some of my Spanish speaking friends: Nico, Ludo and Mario.

Nico (Nicolas Escribano) was, as far as I can remember, the first person I met in I-House.  I recall getting inside the dining hall on August 17th, looking around and deciding to sit next to him because he looked the same way my friends look in Portugal.  It made total sense when he told me he was one of "nuestros hermanos".  He is a very nice guy: polite, extremely caring and relaxed.  Being Spanish, he knows how to party although he is a responsible little man.

Nico made me realize how similar we (Portuguese) are similar to them (Spanish).  The way we are raised, the way we talk, the kind of stuff that entertains us and the things we don't like about the US are basically the same.  I know that there are lots of Portuguese people that don't really like Spanish but I don't understand why that happens.  From my experience, I can tell they are fun, polite and much the same as us.  I like Nico and I like Spanish!

Let's move on to Ludo.  Ludo, Ludo, Ludo...  Ludovic Holderbeke is his name.  I know it doesn't sound like a Spanish name.  He's Belgium!  However, he decided to go to university in Madrid and he's been living there for 5 years now.  It is very easy to describe him.  He reminds me of my brother Miguel.  He's kind of a naughty little brother to me (and to many other girls in I-House).  He asks me or Yasmina to wake him up everyday because he cannot wake up with his alarm clock.  He asks us to iron his shirts whenever he as an interview.  He asks Caitlin to help him folding his clothes every time he does laundry.  He asks me to help him studying consulting cases because he wants to apply to Mckinsie, BCG and Bain.  He actually also asked me to go through his CV and his cover letter.  Basically, he asks everyone to help him doing everything and the truth is that everyone ends up lending him a hand. It's probably all about his posture.  He is very friendly and funny and makes us laugh all the time.  We just don't say no to him.

Ludo is 24 years old and thus very focused on getting a job.  He is so nervous about that that he makes everyone anxious too.  He is either very concentrated on studying and finding a job or desperate to party and flirt some girls.

Ludo and I have an interesting friendship.  He is usually very laid back and speaks his mind out but, with me, he feels he has to act proper.  And he makes other people act proper towards me too.  Haha.

Let's talk about Mario now.  Mario is an easygoing Chilean guy.  People can tell he belongs to a well-spoken family although he doesn't try to show off or anything.  He has five siblings and they are all coming with his parents to visit him next week!  I'm actually quite jealous.  Mom, Dad, Mico, don't you want to come too??  Belonging to such a big family makes him sociable, outgoing and good.  He is a gentleman.  Unlike Ludo, he is very proper to everyone.

Something I really like about Mario is how curious he is.  He makes me explain what I'm studying all the time, and has always interesting questions to make.  Everyone is so interesting and smart here in Berkeley...  I love it here.

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