Friday, October 12, 2012

Friendz - Yasniel

Did I promise to post something about some of my new friends a few days ago?  Yeah...  I did...  What if I start writing a post every once in a while describing only few people each time?  Sounds good to me!  I hope it sounds good to you too.

It's very easy to decide who to start with:  Yasmina.  Yasmina Yusuf.  Can you tell where she's from by her name?  Hmmmm...  I don't think so!  Her dad is from Bangladesh and her mom is German but she was raised in England and she's been going to college in Berlin for the last few years.  She never knows how to answer when someone asks her where she's from.  The most obvious answer would be Germany, but her British accent is way too strong for people to believe that she's actually German.

Belonging to an incredibly multicultural family and having spent the last few years in Berlin, she is very friendly, hearty and relaxed.  She is very, very sociable too.  I keep telling her that she is (along with our Namibian friend Daniel) the most popular person in i-House.

She studies History, mainly the Cold War and Colonization, which makes lots of sense baring in mind her family's experience.  We study together quite often although our academic interests are totally opposite.  In fact, we do many things together.  Besides studying with each other sometimes, we usually have early breakfasts and work out together nearly every day.  We're neighbors too.  We both live on the calm 6th floor of i-House so we also get to see each other around the place all the time.

Yas is a very interesting person.  I'm finding it very hard to describe her though.  There are so many things about her which I'm not being able to express...  She's much better than what I'm transmitting to you, ok?

Probably, the reason why we starting hanging out has to do with our similarities.  We've been realizing that we basically like the same stuff.  Though we're both responsible, we really want to take the most from this year in Berkeley.  And both of us love meeting people and find it easier to deal with guys than girls.

One of the guys we're close friends with is Daniel.  Daniel Komen.  Daniel also has a multicultural family.  Both is parents' families are originally from Europe (Eastern Europe and the Netherlands, I guess) but moved to Africa some decades ago.  His parents are hippies.  They moved to South Africa to study animals, and they ended up settling in Namibia, a country I've never thought about going before meeting him but where I really want to go now.

Daniel is a very... (I'm missing the word) guy.  He's... Special...   Different... Unique!  Yas is definitely a special girl too but he is unusual!  He studies architecture, which makes him an artist; he was raised in a farm in Africa, which makes him wild; and his parents are hippies, which makes him pure.  He literally talks to everyone he sees.  He has actually already seated next to some homeless people for a while, pretending to be one of them and discovering what they had to tell.  It's funny how he actually could be a homeless guy, in terms of his appearance.  He's not bad looking, he just doesn't care about the way he looks and he walks with his shoulders down.

I've just realize it would be much simpler to film my friends instead of trying to describe them in words.   Dan's posture is so, so characteristic!  Haha.

Being an architecture student, he hasn't been able to spend much time with us.  Isn't it crazy how, all over the world, architecture students have so much work to do?  Do you know any architect-to-be that doesn't stay up till late all the time?  Poor Dan!  All of us study hard, but he's been way busier than us.  His projects have turned out to be amazing though.  I'm probably gonna take some pictures of his work assignments soon.  I'll post a few photos here whenever I do that.

I could write much more about Yas and Daniel, but I guess I'll save some words for the rest of my friends too.  More descriptions of friends coming up soon...


  1. Lucky me and lucky mum to have been able to create such a girl, so friendly of her friends!

    Me and mammy want to know all those friends when we visit you there.


  2. You are the kindest Dad on Earth Pai. I love when you comment my posts. I'll introduce you and Mommy to everyone. Unfortunately, many of my friends will be gone by the end of this semester so you won't meet then when you visit, but hopefully they will come visit us in Portugal sometime soon. I love you and Mom and I miss you both a lot
