Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two, deux, due, dos, dois

Update of the post published a month ago:

2 months in Cal = a new home + a new bank account + a new cell phone number

2 months in Cal = a failed attempt to buy an iPhone 5, which is sold out all over the country

2 months in Cal = tons of new friends from all over the world (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Lebanon, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Serbia, Russia, UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Morocco, Iran, Egypt, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Australia, South Africa, Namibia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, USA, Canada and so on)

2 months in Cal = some specially close friends, among all the people I met: Yasmina, Luisa, Nathalie, Daniel, Nicolas, Ludovic, Mario

2 months in Cal = even more lectures and discussion sessions

2 months in Cal = (way too) many homework assignments: 22 in total and most of them take more than a day to be solved

2 month in Cal = 2 (tough) midterms done

2 months in Cal = even more hours in the civil engineering computer lab

2 months in Cal = many, many, many hours in the i-House library too

2 months in Cal = very smart and friendly classmates

2 months in Cal = many gatherings with my classmates, such as meals together, a potluck dinner, a grad students party, homework sessions and so on

2 months in Cal = a nice and helpful advisor

2 months in Cal = a thesis supervisor, who I'm going to meet tomorrow to schedule my future work

2 months in Cal = some housework and laundry done (and a lot to be done soon)

2 months in Cal = 3 weekends with Pedro

2 months in Cal = 1 trip to Monterey

2 months in Cal = 1 trip to Los Angeles

2 months in Cal = 4 trips to San Francisco

2 months in Cal = 1 trip to Santa Cruz

2 months in Cal = 2 American football games + some pre-game without going to the game (pre-gaming is the best part of American football.  The game itself is waaaaay too boring)

2 months in Cal = lots of workout (yoga, pilates, spinning, jogging, conditioning, touch rugby)

2 months in Cal = many miles walked

2 months in Cal = (only) two days at the beach

2 months in Cal = lots of parties (the best ones in SF)

2 months in Cal = some fraternity experience (although I still need to go to a coop party)

2 months in Cal = way to much food

2 months in Cal = great breakfasts and brunches

2 months in Cal = tons of cookies (my resolution for next month is to reduce the amount of cookies I eat per week)

2 months in Cal = almost no fish

2 months in Cal = almost no cooking

2 month in Cal = many restaurants in Berkeley explored (I have to prepare Mico's visit next month.  All my dear brother thinks about is food.  Hehe)

2 month in Cal = different gourmet cultural experiences

2 months in Cal = lots of crazy people on the streets (people laughing loud, talking to themselves, talking to other people, wearing crazy stuff, etc., etc.)

2 months in Cal = many homeless people

2 months in Cal = 22 posts on my blog

2 months in Cal = some photos

2 months in Cal = many hours in Skype. As my Dad said, a lot of emailing, messaging, Skyping, Vibering, blogging, etc. (Mummy is the champion of Whatsapp, Skype and Viber!)

2 months in Cal = 4 familiar events (that felt so good, specially the one with Villas-Boas' family...)

2 month in Cal = 2 events with Portuguese people: dinner with some Portuguese PhD students and dinner at Villas-Boas'

2 months in Cal = no visits so far (except Pedro); no visits in the last month

2 month in Cal = so much knowledge learnt, not only in classes, but mainly in the daily life

2 month in Cal = lots of contact with different cultures

2 month in Cal = a very united family living this experience with me

2 month in Cal = a lot of strong feelings

2 month in Cal = many "saudades" too

2 months in Cal = still a lot to do


  1. 5 months in Cal and you'll get a visit from me and some buddies!
    Be prepared!

    Keep blogging!


  2. When, when, when????? January?

    I miss you,
