Saturday, May 18, 2013

Goodbyes and more goodbyes

Yesterday was the last day of finals week.  All of my friends are done with school and it's time for them either to travel or to go back home.  I did the last written exam of my masters degree last wednesday but restarted working on my thesis on the following day, so I am not even close to be done. However, I've been trying to conciliate work with social events.

My favorite social event among all of the ones I've attended lately was Claudia'a End of Term Goodbye Party, which happened yesterday at her family place in Lafayette, really close to Berkeley.  Claudia turned 21 last week and is one of the few of us who is staying in Berkeley one more year.  Those two facts more than justified a big party at her place.

The official plans consisted on arriving around 6 pm, having some (or many) drinks and eating a lot, and moving to a bar later that night, always enjoying each others company.  Dan and me decided to go earlier to help her out, and arrived there one or two hours in advance.  We helped organizing everything and I cooked pãezinhos com chouriço, known as chorizo potato puffs among my Cal friends, an appetizer that I knew Claudia likes.

The food was delicious and the drinks were free so everyone was happy.  Almost everyone knew each other pretty well and that helped making the party a success too.  I would say that the best moments of the evening were Claudia's perfect speech, and her performance with Takako and Egenem.  Takako, Egenem and Claudia - also known as Potato, Eggs and Clouds - performed together in a few ihouse events and we begged them to sing for us yesterday too.  They rocked and made everyone get specially emotional and nostalgic about the upcoming end of our year together in Berkeley.  Following their performance, everyone was hugging each other and many of the girls cried.  If you check the movie that I made of their performance, you might be able to understand how cool it was...

Oh maaaaaaaaan, I don't want to say goodbye to everyone...  Tough week ahead...!  Thanks Clouds for one of the best parties we had in Berkeley so far.

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