Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy May!

May couldn't have started in a better way.

On May 1st, I spent the day cheering for Pedro and the bruins in one of the most exclusive golf courses in LA - LACC - and we went out for dinner together, in a cute date.

On May 2nd, Pedro had a midterm that went really well, I had lunch with my friend Kezia, Benfica won its game and qualified for UEFA Europa League final (and this means having Pedro, Dad and Mico really happy), we had an easier-than-usual drive to Berkeley, and finished the day having dinner at Zachary's Chicago Pizza, a Berkeley classic.

May 3rd was a special day.  It was our 5th anniversary and thus we decided to treat ourselves with a day off.  We bought some snacks, drove to Marin County and went on a cool hike near the coast.  The weather was amazing and the scenery very pretty, with deep blue ocean and green bushes views, and eagles flying over our heads.  To finished the day well, we had drinks at Sliver's, dinner at fancy Comal, and partied with some Cal athletes from the men's golf, women's lacrosse and men's rugby teams.  All I have to tell after partying with them is that athletes are extremely good drinkers.

On May 4th, we had the best ihouse party ever (and the last one, unfortunately): a boat party!  Over 300 people dressed up, looked good and spend the late afternoon and early evening eating, drinking and dancing on a 3-story boat that went around the San Francisco Bay Area.  Most of my best friends from ihouse and Pedro were there (Ludo included), so the company could have not been better.


On May 5th, the day was dedicated to studying, but at least I had my favorite study buddy with me: Pedro.  He left to LA in the afternoon, and I almost went with him.  I would have gone if I didn't have an important review session on Wednesday for my one and only (awful) CE221 final...

May 5th was also a day to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a holiday that remembers the Mexican's Army victory over the powerful French Army in the battle of Puebla.  It is an event that is only celebrated in the USA and not in Mexico.  Basically, it is an excuse for Americans to have delicious Mexican food and drinks, listen to Latin music and have fun.  Thanks to ihouse, we had some great celebrations in the patio, for free!

The fact that I missed the Portuguese Mother's Day was alleviated by the fact that Mom spent an apparently happy day with Mico, Tio Tó and my grandpas.  It's always tough to meet special days away from home and from the people we would like to spend them with but, fortunately, this was the last special day I missed till I go back to Portugal.

Today, the study session proceeded but was interrupted for the SEMM Graduating Students Luncheon.   SEMM and CSI Berkeley sponsored a really pleasant lunch in the Faculty Club.  Not only the food was good (I had fish, and that's so rare here that it made my day), but the event itself was a success.  There was at least a professor seated in each table, and there were two speeches, one from the SEAONC (Structural Engineers Association of Northern California) president, and another one from the peculiar president of CSI Structures.  The latter offered us a book that he says that will help us create computer programs used in over 160 countries, just like he did.  Haha.

Can't complain about these days, uh?  I hope May keeps treating me as well as it has so far...


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