Saturday, May 11, 2013

Nightlife at the Academy

Every Thursday night, the California Academy of Sciences, located in the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, is open to the general public.  The target audience is young laid back people, who are willing to watch expositions and explore different topics inside a huge museum, while holding a cocktail in their hands.  There's a weekly topic that is never repeated and some temporary booths related to it, and the permanent expositions, planetarium and aquarium.  There's also a few food carts and bars, and at least a DJ too.

Last Thursday, I decided to go check out the event with some friends and I'm glad I didn't miss doing it before going back home.  It's a very creative and interesting initiative, definitively San-Francisco-style, and it was a great study break during Dead Week.

The topic could have been more interesting (earthquakes are not my passion, although I study seismic engineering) but the permanent expositions where very, very cool.  I specially liked the aquarium and the Animal Attraction exposition.

I leave you with a few pictures.  Talk to you soon.

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